# JavaGridControl A Java-based, open-source alternative to the default control software for the NZXT GRID+ and GRID+v2. ## Credit - This project was originally a fork of [RoelGo/CamSucks](https://github.com/RoelGo/CamSucks) - The reverse engineering of the GRID+ communication was done by rizvanrp, their site is no longer available but here is a screenshot of their article on the GRID+. http://research.domaintools.com/research/screenshot-history/rizvanrp.com/#0 - Some of the serial command codes were taken from [akej74/grid-control](https://github.com/akej74/grid-control) - The sensor data on windows systems is read with the help of the jWMI class made by Henry Ranch @ http://henryranch.net - On windows systems, this class communicates with an external program called openhardwaremonitor @ http://openhardwaremonitor.org/ ##TODO - Make it possible to set weights for different temperature readings. - Linux support.