@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+from copy import deepcopy
+from math import floor
+from itertools import product
+from util import get_input
+input = get_input("24.input")
+# Yes, you have to adjust these manually.
+# Yes, it can be done automatically.
+# No, I don't want to.
+# 1111
+# 01234567890123
+part1 = "93959993429899"
+part2 = "11815671117121"
+lookup = {k: int(part2[k]) for k in range(14)}
+def paren(exp):
+ return "(" + exp + ")"
+def pprint(exp):
+ if exp[0] == 'c':
+ return str(exp[1])
+ elif exp[0] == 'in':
+ return 'in' + str(exp[1])
+ elif exp[0] == 'add':
+ return paren(pprint(exp[1]) + ' + ' + pprint(exp[2]))
+ elif exp[0] == 'mul':
+ return paren(pprint(exp[1]) + ' * ' + pprint(exp[2]))
+ elif exp[0] == 'div':
+ return paren(pprint(exp[1]) + ' / ' + pprint(exp[2]))
+ elif exp[0] == 'mod':
+ return paren(pprint(exp[1]) + ' % ' + pprint(exp[2]))
+ elif exp[0] == 'eql':
+ return paren(pprint(exp[1]) + ' == ' + pprint(exp[2]))
+ elif exp[0] == 'sum':
+ return paren(" + ".join(pprint(t) for t in exp[1]))
+ raise Exception("Not allowed: {}".format(exp[0]))
+def evl(exp, lookup):
+ if exp[0] == 'c':
+ return exp[1]
+ elif exp[0] == 'in':
+ return lookup[exp[1]]
+ elif exp[0] == 'add':
+ return evl(exp[1], lookup) + evl(exp[2], lookup)
+ elif exp[0] == 'mul':
+ return evl(exp[1], lookup) * evl(exp[2], lookup)
+ elif exp[0] == 'div':
+ return floor(evl(exp[1], lookup) / evl(exp[2], lookup))
+ elif exp[0] == 'mod':
+ return evl(exp[1], lookup) % evl(exp[2], lookup)
+ elif exp[0] == 'eql':
+ return 1 if evl(exp[1], lookup) == evl(exp[2], lookup) else 0
+ elif exp[0] == 'sum':
+ return sum(evl(t, lookup) for t in exp[1])
+ raise Exception("Not allowed: {}".format(exp[0]))
+def max_val(exp, minv=False):
+ if exp[0] == 'c':
+ return exp[1]
+ elif exp[0] == 'in':
+ return 1 if minv else 9
+ elif exp[0] == 'add':
+ return max_val(exp[1], minv) + max_val(exp[2], minv)
+ elif exp[0] == 'mul':
+ return max_val(exp[1], minv) * max_val(exp[2], minv)
+ elif exp[0] == 'div':
+ return floor(max_val(exp[1], minv) / max_val(exp[2], not minv))
+ elif exp[0] == 'mod':
+ return (max_val(exp[2]) - 1) if not minv else 0
+ elif exp[0] == 'eql':
+ return 0 if minv else 1
+ elif exp[0] == 'sum':
+ return sum(max_val(t, minv) for t in exp[1])
+ raise Exception("Not allowed: {}".format(exp[0]))
+def reduce_sum(terms):
+ indices = [i for (i, t) in enumerate(terms) if t[0] == 'c']
+ if len(indices) == 2:
+ terms[indices[0]] = ('c', terms[indices[0]][1] + terms[indices[1]][1])
+ terms.pop(indices[1])
+ return [t for t in terms if t != ('c', 0)]
+def simplify(exp):
+ global lookup
+ if exp[0] == 'sum':
+ s = reduce_sum([simplify(t) for t in exp[1]])
+ if len(s) == 1:
+ return s[0]
+ else:
+ return ('sum', s)
+ elif exp[0] == 'add':
+ if exp[1][0] == 'sum' and exp[2][0] == 'sum':
+ return simplify(('sum', exp[1][1] + exp[2][1]))
+ elif exp[1][0] == 'sum':
+ return simplify(('sum', exp[1][1] + [exp[2]]))
+ elif exp[2][0] == 'sum':
+ return simplify(('sum', [exp[1]] + exp[2][1]))
+ else:
+ return simplify(('sum', [exp[1], exp[2]]))
+ elif exp[0] == 'mul':
+ if exp[2] == ('c', 0) or exp[1] == ('c', 0):
+ return ('c', 0)
+ if exp[2] == ('c', 1):
+ return exp[1]
+ if exp[1] == ('c', 1):
+ return exp[2]
+ if exp[1][0] == 'div' and exp[1][2] == exp[2]:
+ return exp[1][1]
+ if exp[1][0] == 'c' and exp[2][0] == 'c':
+ return ('c', exp[1][1] * exp[2][1])
+ elif exp[0] == 'div':
+ if exp[2] == ('c', 1):
+ return exp[1]
+ if exp[1][0] == 'c' and exp[2][0] == 'c':
+ return ('c', floor(exp[1][1] / exp[2][1]))
+ if exp[2][0] == 'c' and max_val(exp[1]) < exp[2][1]:
+ return ('c', 0)
+ if exp[1][0] == 'mul' and exp[1][2] == exp[2]:
+ return exp[1][1]
+ if exp[1][0] == 'sum':
+ indices = [i for i, t in enumerate(exp[1][1]) if t[0] == 'mul' and t[2] == exp[2]]
+ if len(indices) > 0:
+ terms = exp[1][1]
+ term = terms[indices[0]][1]
+ terms.pop(indices[0])
+ return simplify(('sum', [term] + [('div', ('sum', terms), exp[2])]))
+ elif exp[0] == 'mod':
+ if exp[1][0] == 'c' and exp[2][0] == 'c':
+ return ('c', exp[1][1] % exp[2][1])
+ if exp[2][0] == 'c' and max_val(exp[1]) < exp[2][1]:
+ return exp[1]
+ if exp[1][0] == 'mul' and exp[1][1] == exp[2]:
+ return ('c', 0)
+ if exp[1][0] == 'mul' and exp[1][2] == exp[2]:
+ return ('c', 0)
+ if exp[1][0] == 'sum':
+ return simplify(('sum', [('mod', t, exp[2]) for t in exp[1][1] if not (t[0] == 'mul' and t[2] == exp[2])]))
+ elif exp[0] == 'eql':
+ if exp[1] == exp[2]:
+ return ('c', 1)
+ try:
+ if evl(exp[1], lookup) == evl(exp[2], lookup):
+ print(pprint(exp[1]), 'EQUALS', pprint(exp[2]))
+ return ('c', 1)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if max_val(exp[1]) < max_val(exp[2], True):
+ #print("1Reduced", pprint(exp[1]), "<>", pprint(exp[2]))
+ return ('c', 0)
+ if max_val(exp[2]) < max_val(exp[1], True):
+ #print("2Reduced", pprint(exp[1]), "<>", pprint(exp[2]))
+ return ('c', 0)
+ #print(pprint(exp))
+ return exp
+def run(input):
+ var = {
+ 'x': ("c", 0),
+ 'y': ("c", 0),
+ 'z': ("c", 0),
+ 'w': ("c", 0),
+ }
+ input_idx = 0
+ for i, line in enumerate(input[:270]):
+ #print(i + 1, "/", len(input))
+ l = line.split()
+ if l[0] == 'inp':
+ var[l[1]] = ("in", input_idx)
+ input_idx += 1
+ else:
+ try:
+ val = ("c", int(l[2]))
+ except ValueError:
+ val = var[l[2]]
+ var[l[1]] = simplify((l[0], deepcopy(var[l[1]]), deepcopy(val)))
+ print(pprint(var['z']).replace("*", "*\n"))
+ print(max_val(var['z'], True))
+ print(evl(var['z'], lookup))
+ #print(max_val(var['z']))
+print("Part 1:", part1)
+print("Part 2:", part2)