@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+from util import get_input
+from itertools import product
+from more_itertools import flatten
+from math import sqrt, ceil, floor
+input = get_input("17.input")
+stuff = input[0].split()
+tx = [int(a) for a in stuff[2][2:-1].split("..")]
+ty = [int(a) for a in stuff[3][2:].split("..")]
+def hits(velx, tx, ty):
+ # High school math comes in handy once again...
+ #x = velx + velx - 1 + velx - 2 + velx - 3 = velx * steps - steps (steps - 1) / 2 = (velx + 1/2) * steps - steps^2 / 2
+ # 2 x = (2 velx + 1) steps - steps^2
+ # 2x - (2 velx + 1) steps + steps^2 = 0
+ try:
+ minsteps = ceil((2 * velx + 1) / 2 - sqrt(pow((2 * velx + 1) / 2, 2) - 2 * tx[0]))
+ except ValueError:
+ # Equation has no solution;
+ # projectile never reaches area
+ return []
+ try:
+ maxsteps = floor((2 * velx + 1) / 2 - sqrt(pow((2 * velx + 1) / 2, 2) - 2 * tx[1]))
+ except ValueError:
+ # Projectile x-velocity reaches 0
+ # while above the target area
+ maxsteps = minsteps + 1000
+ res = []
+ for nstep in range(minsteps, maxsteps + 1):
+ #y = vely * nstep - nstep * (nstep - 1) / 2
+ #vely * nstep = nstep * (nstep - 1) / 2 + y
+ #vely = (nstep * (nstep - 1) / 2 + y) / nstep
+ minvely = ceil((nstep * (nstep - 1) / 2 + ty[0]) / nstep)
+ maxvely = floor((nstep * (nstep - 1) / 2 + ty[1]) / nstep)
+ for vely in range(minvely, maxvely + 1):
+ res.append((velx, vely))
+ return list(set(res))
+# This is slow garbage, leaving it here so you can laugh at me
+def naive_hits(vel, tx, ty):
+ topy = 0
+ pos = (0, 0)
+ startvel = vel
+ while True:
+ if pos[0] >= tx[0] and pos[0] <= tx[1]:
+ if pos[1] >= ty[0] and pos[1] <= ty[1]:
+ return (topy, startvel)
+ if pos[1] < ty[0]:
+ return (-1000, startvel)
+ if pos[0] > tx[1]:
+ return (-1000, startvel)
+ if vel[0] == 0:
+ dx = 0
+ elif vel[0] < 0:
+ dx = 1
+ else:
+ dx = -1
+ pos = (pos[0] + vel[0], pos[1] + vel[1])
+ vel = (vel[0] + dx, vel[1] - 1)
+ topy = max(pos[1], topy)
+hits = list(flatten([hits(x, tx, ty) for x in range(0, 70)]))
+# Find highest point on parabola using initial y-velocity
+maxvely = max([h[1] for h in hits])
+# D(vely * t - (t ^ 2) / 2) == 0
+# vely - t == 0
+t = maxvely
+maxy = int(t * t - t * (t - 1) / 2)
+print("Part 1:", maxy)
+# This is easy now lol
+print("Part 2:", len(hits))