@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+syntax = "proto2";
+option optimize_for = SPEED;
+message Version {
+ // 2-byte Major, 1-byte Minor and 1-byte Patch version number.
+ optional uint32 version = 1;
+ // Client release name.
+ optional string release = 2;
+ // Client OS name.
+ optional string os = 3;
+ // Client OS version.
+ optional string os_version = 4;
+// Used by the client to send the authentication credentials to the server.
+message Authenticate {
+ // UTF-8 encoded username.
+ optional string username = 1;
+ // Server or user password.
+ optional string password = 2;
+ // Additional access tokens for server ACL groups.
+ repeated string tokens = 3;
+ // A list of CELT bitstream version constants supported by the client.
+ repeated int32 celt_versions = 4;
+ optional bool opus = 5 [default = false];
+// Sent by the client to notify the server that the client is still alive.
+// Server must reply to the packet with the same timestamp and its own
+// good/late/lost/resync numbers. None of the fields is strictly required.
+message Ping {
+ // Client timestamp. Server should not attempt to decode.
+ optional uint64 timestamp = 1;
+ // The amount of good packets received.
+ optional uint32 good = 2;
+ // The amount of late packets received.
+ optional uint32 late = 3;
+ // The amount of packets never received.
+ optional uint32 lost = 4;
+ // The amount of nonce resyncs.
+ optional uint32 resync = 5;
+ // The total amount of UDP packets received.
+ optional uint32 udp_packets = 6;
+ // The total amount of TCP packets received.
+ optional uint32 tcp_packets = 7;
+ // UDP ping average.
+ optional float udp_ping_avg = 8;
+ // UDP ping variance.
+ optional float udp_ping_var = 9;
+ // TCP ping average.
+ optional float tcp_ping_avg = 10;
+ // TCP ping variance.
+ optional float tcp_ping_var = 11;
+// Sent by the server when it rejects the user connection.
+message Reject {
+ enum RejectType {
+ // The rejection reason is unknown (details should be available
+ // in Reject.reason).
+ None = 0;
+ // The client attempted to connect with an incompatible version.
+ WrongVersion = 1;
+ // The user name supplied by the client was invalid.
+ InvalidUsername = 2;
+ // The client attempted to authenticate as a user with a password but it
+ // was wrong.
+ WrongUserPW = 3;
+ // The client attempted to connect to a passworded server but the password
+ // was wrong.
+ WrongServerPW = 4;
+ // Supplied username is already in use.
+ UsernameInUse = 5;
+ // Server is currently full and cannot accept more users.
+ ServerFull = 6;
+ // The user did not provide a certificate but one is required.
+ NoCertificate = 7;
+ AuthenticatorFail = 8;
+ }
+ // Rejection type.
+ optional RejectType type = 1;
+ // Human readable rejection reason.
+ optional string reason = 2;
+// ServerSync message is sent by the server when it has authenticated the user
+// and finished synchronizing the server state.
+message ServerSync {
+ // The session of the current user.
+ optional uint32 session = 1;
+ // Maximum bandwidth that the user should use.
+ optional uint32 max_bandwidth = 2;
+ // Server welcome text.
+ optional string welcome_text = 3;
+ // Current user permissions in the root channel.
+ optional uint64 permissions = 4;
+// Sent by the client when it wants a channel removed. Sent by the server when
+// a channel has been removed and clients should be notified.
+message ChannelRemove {
+ required uint32 channel_id = 1;
+// Used to communicate channel properties between the client and the server.
+// Sent by the server during the login process or when channel properties are
+// updated. Client may use this message to update said channel properties.
+message ChannelState {
+ // Unique ID for the channel within the server.
+ optional uint32 channel_id = 1;
+ // channel_id of the parent channel.
+ optional uint32 parent = 2;
+ // UTF-8 encoded channel name.
+ optional string name = 3;
+ // A collection of channel id values of the linked channels. Absent during
+ // the first channel listing.
+ repeated uint32 links = 4;
+ // UTF-8 encoded channel description. Only if the description is less than
+ // 128 bytes
+ optional string description = 5;
+ // A collection of channel_id values that should be added to links.
+ repeated uint32 links_add = 6;
+ // A collection of channel_id values that should be removed from links.
+ repeated uint32 links_remove = 7;
+ // True if the channel is temporary.
+ optional bool temporary = 8 [default = false];
+ // Position weight to tweak the channel position in the channel list.
+ optional int32 position = 9 [default = 0];
+ // SHA1 hash of the description if the description is 128 bytes or more.
+ optional bytes description_hash = 10;
+ // Maximum number of users allowed in the channel. If this value is zero,
+ // the maximum number of users allowed in the channel is given by the
+ // server's "usersperchannel" setting.
+ optional uint32 max_users = 11;
+ // Whether this channel has enter restrictions (ACL denying ENTER) set
+ optional bool is_enter_restricted = 12;
+ // Whether the receiver of this msg is considered to be able to enter this channel
+ optional bool can_enter = 13;
+// Used to communicate user leaving or being kicked. May be sent by the client
+// when it attempts to kick a user. Sent by the server when it informs the
+// clients that a user is not present anymore.
+message UserRemove {
+ // The user who is being kicked, identified by their session, not present
+ // when no one is being kicked.
+ required uint32 session = 1;
+ // The user who initiated the removal. Either the user who performs the kick
+ // or the user who is currently leaving.
+ optional uint32 actor = 2;
+ // Reason for the kick, stored as the ban reason if the user is banned.
+ optional string reason = 3;
+ // True if the kick should result in a ban.
+ optional bool ban = 4;
+// Sent by the server when it communicates new and changed users to client.
+// First seen during login procedure. May be sent by the client when it wishes
+// to alter its state.
+message UserState {
+ // Unique user session ID of the user whose state this is, may change on
+ // reconnect.
+ optional uint32 session = 1;
+ // The session of the user who is updating this user.
+ optional uint32 actor = 2;
+ // User name, UTF-8 encoded.
+ optional string name = 3;
+ // Registered user ID if the user is registered.
+ optional uint32 user_id = 4;
+ // Channel on which the user is.
+ optional uint32 channel_id = 5;
+ // True if the user is muted by admin.
+ optional bool mute = 6;
+ // True if the user is deafened by admin.
+ optional bool deaf = 7;
+ // True if the user has been suppressed from talking by a reason other than
+ // being muted.
+ optional bool suppress = 8;
+ // True if the user has muted self.
+ optional bool self_mute = 9;
+ // True if the user has deafened self.
+ optional bool self_deaf = 10;
+ // User image if it is less than 128 bytes.
+ optional bytes texture = 11;
+ // The positional audio plugin identifier.
+ // Positional audio information is only sent to users who share
+ // identical plugin contexts.
+ //
+ // This value is not transmitted to clients.
+ optional bytes plugin_context = 12;
+ // The user's plugin-specific identity.
+ // This value is not transmitted to clients.
+ optional string plugin_identity = 13;
+ // User comment if it is less than 128 bytes.
+ optional string comment = 14;
+ // The hash of the user certificate.
+ optional string hash = 15;
+ // SHA1 hash of the user comment if it 128 bytes or more.
+ optional bytes comment_hash = 16;
+ // SHA1 hash of the user picture if it 128 bytes or more.
+ optional bytes texture_hash = 17;
+ // True if the user is a priority speaker.
+ optional bool priority_speaker = 18;
+ // True if the user is currently recording.
+ optional bool recording = 19;
+ // A list of temporary access tokens to be respected when processing this request.
+ repeated string temporary_access_tokens = 20;
+ // A list of channels the user wants to start listening to.
+ repeated uint32 listening_channel_add = 21;
+ // a list of channels the user does no longer want to listen to.
+ repeated uint32 listening_channel_remove = 22;
+// Relays information on the bans. The client may send the BanList message to
+// either modify the list of bans or query them from the server. The server
+// sends this list only after a client queries for it.
+message BanList {
+ message BanEntry {
+ // Banned IP address.
+ required bytes address = 1;
+ // The length of the subnet mask for the ban.
+ required uint32 mask = 2;
+ // User name for identification purposes (does not affect the ban).
+ optional string name = 3;
+ // The certificate hash of the banned user.
+ optional string hash = 4;
+ // Reason for the ban (does not affect the ban).
+ optional string reason = 5;
+ // Ban start time.
+ optional string start = 6;
+ // Ban duration in seconds.
+ optional uint32 duration = 7;
+ }
+ // List of ban entries currently in place.
+ repeated BanEntry bans = 1;
+ // True if the server should return the list, false if it should replace old
+ // ban list with the one provided.
+ optional bool query = 2 [default = false];
+// Used to send and broadcast text messages.
+message TextMessage {
+ // The message sender, identified by its session.
+ optional uint32 actor = 1;
+ // Target users for the message, identified by their session.
+ repeated uint32 session = 2;
+ // The channels to which the message is sent, identified by their
+ // channel_ids.
+ repeated uint32 channel_id = 3;
+ // The root channels when sending message recursively to several channels,
+ // identified by their channel_ids.
+ repeated uint32 tree_id = 4;
+ // The UTF-8 encoded message. May be HTML if the server allows.
+ required string message = 5;
+message PermissionDenied {
+ enum DenyType {
+ // Operation denied for other reason, see reason field.
+ Text = 0;
+ // Permissions were denied.
+ Permission = 1;
+ // Cannot modify SuperUser.
+ SuperUser = 2;
+ // Invalid channel name.
+ ChannelName = 3;
+ // Text message too long.
+ TextTooLong = 4;
+ // The flux capacitor was spelled wrong.
+ H9K = 5;
+ // Operation not permitted in temporary channel.
+ TemporaryChannel = 6;
+ // Operation requires certificate.
+ MissingCertificate = 7;
+ // Invalid username.
+ UserName = 8;
+ // Channel is full.
+ ChannelFull = 9;
+ // Channels are nested too deeply.
+ NestingLimit = 10;
+ // Maximum channel count reached.
+ ChannelCountLimit = 11;
+ // Amount of listener objects for this channel has been reached
+ ChannelListenerLimit = 12;
+ // Amount of listener proxies for the user has been reached
+ UserListenerLimit = 13;
+ }
+ // The denied permission when type is Permission.
+ optional uint32 permission = 1;
+ // channel_id for the channel where the permission was denied when type is
+ // Permission.
+ optional uint32 channel_id = 2;
+ // The user who was denied permissions, identified by session.
+ optional uint32 session = 3;
+ // Textual reason for the denial.
+ optional string reason = 4;
+ // Type of the denial.
+ optional DenyType type = 5;
+ // The name that is invalid when type is UserName.
+ optional string name = 6;
+message ACL {
+ message ChanGroup {
+ // Name of the channel group, UTF-8 encoded.
+ required string name = 1;
+ // True if the group has been inherited from the parent (Read only).
+ optional bool inherited = 2 [default = true];
+ // True if the group members are inherited.
+ optional bool inherit = 3 [default = true];
+ // True if the group can be inherited by sub channels.
+ optional bool inheritable = 4 [default = true];
+ // Users explicitly included in this group, identified by user_id.
+ repeated uint32 add = 5;
+ // Users explicitly removed from this group in this channel if the group
+ // has been inherited, identified by user_id.
+ repeated uint32 remove = 6;
+ // Users inherited, identified by user_id.
+ repeated uint32 inherited_members = 7;
+ }
+ message ChanACL {
+ // True if this ACL applies to the current channel.
+ optional bool apply_here = 1 [default = true];
+ // True if this ACL applies to the sub channels.
+ optional bool apply_subs = 2 [default = true];
+ // True if the ACL has been inherited from the parent.
+ optional bool inherited = 3 [default = true];
+ // ID of the user that is affected by this ACL.
+ optional uint32 user_id = 4;
+ // ID of the group that is affected by this ACL.
+ optional string group = 5;
+ // Bit flag field of the permissions granted by this ACL.
+ optional uint32 grant = 6;
+ // Bit flag field of the permissions denied by this ACL.
+ optional uint32 deny = 7;
+ }
+ // Channel ID of the channel this message affects.
+ required uint32 channel_id = 1;
+ // True if the channel inherits its parent's ACLs.
+ optional bool inherit_acls = 2 [default = true];
+ // User group specifications.
+ repeated ChanGroup groups = 3;
+ // ACL specifications.
+ repeated ChanACL acls = 4;
+ // True if the message is a query for ACLs instead of setting them.
+ optional bool query = 5 [default = false];
+// Client may use this message to refresh its registered user information. The
+// client should fill the IDs or Names of the users it wants to refresh. The
+// server fills the missing parts and sends the message back.
+message QueryUsers {
+ // user_ids.
+ repeated uint32 ids = 1;
+ // User names in the same order as ids.
+ repeated string names = 2;
+// Used to initialize and resync the UDP encryption. Either side may request a
+// resync by sending the message without any values filled. The resync is
+// performed by sending the message with only the client or server nonce
+// filled.
+message CryptSetup {
+ // Encryption key.
+ optional bytes key = 1;
+ // Client nonce.
+ optional bytes client_nonce = 2;
+ // Server nonce.
+ optional bytes server_nonce = 3;
+// Used to add or remove custom context menu item on client-side.
+message ContextActionModify {
+ enum Context {
+ // Action is applicable to the server.
+ Server = 0x01;
+ // Action can target a Channel.
+ Channel = 0x02;
+ // Action can target a User.
+ User = 0x04;
+ }
+ enum Operation {
+ Add = 0;
+ Remove = 1;
+ }
+ // The action identifier. Used later to initiate an action.
+ required string action = 1;
+ // The display name of the action.
+ optional string text = 2;
+ // Context bit flags defining where the action should be displayed.
+ // Flags can be OR-ed to combine different types.
+ optional uint32 context = 3;
+ // Choose either to add or to remove the context action.
+ // Note: This field only exists after Mumble 1.2.4-beta1 release.
+ // The message will be recognized as Add regardless of this field
+ // before said release.
+ optional Operation operation = 4;
+// Sent by the client when it wants to initiate a Context action.
+message ContextAction {
+ // The target User for the action, identified by session.
+ optional uint32 session = 1;
+ // The target Channel for the action, identified by channel_id.
+ optional uint32 channel_id = 2;
+ // The action that should be executed.
+ required string action = 3;
+// Lists the registered users.
+message UserList {
+ message User {
+ // Registered user ID.
+ required uint32 user_id = 1;
+ // Registered user name.
+ optional string name = 2;
+ optional string last_seen = 3;
+ optional uint32 last_channel = 4;
+ }
+ // A list of registered users.
+ repeated User users = 1;
+// Sent by the client when it wants to register or clear whisper targets.
+// Note: The first available target ID is 1 as 0 is reserved for normal
+// talking. Maximum target ID is 30.
+message VoiceTarget {
+ message Target {
+ // Users that are included as targets.
+ repeated uint32 session = 1;
+ // Channel that is included as a target.
+ optional uint32 channel_id = 2;
+ // ACL group that is included as a target.
+ optional string group = 3;
+ // True if the voice should follow links from the specified channel.
+ optional bool links = 4 [default = false];
+ // True if the voice should also be sent to children of the specific
+ // channel.
+ optional bool children = 5 [default = false];
+ }
+ // Voice target ID.
+ optional uint32 id = 1;
+ // The receivers that this voice target includes.
+ repeated Target targets = 2;
+// Sent by the client when it wants permissions for a certain channel. Sent by
+// the server when it replies to the query or wants the user to resync all
+// channel permissions.
+message PermissionQuery {
+ // channel_id of the channel for which the permissions are queried.
+ optional uint32 channel_id = 1;
+ // Channel permissions.
+ optional uint32 permissions = 2;
+ // True if the client should drop its current permission information for all
+ // channels.
+ optional bool flush = 3 [default = false];
+// Sent by the server to notify the users of the version of the CELT codec they
+// should use. This may change during the connection when new users join.
+message CodecVersion {
+ // The version of the CELT Alpha codec.
+ required int32 alpha = 1;
+ // The version of the CELT Beta codec.
+ required int32 beta = 2;
+ // True if the user should prefer Alpha over Beta.
+ required bool prefer_alpha = 3 [default = true];
+ optional bool opus = 4 [default = false];
+// Used to communicate user stats between the server and clients.
+message UserStats {
+ message Stats {
+ // The amount of good packets received.
+ optional uint32 good = 1;
+ // The amount of late packets received.
+ optional uint32 late = 2;
+ // The amount of packets never received.
+ optional uint32 lost = 3;
+ // The amount of nonce resyncs.
+ optional uint32 resync = 4;
+ }
+ // User whose stats these are.
+ optional uint32 session = 1;
+ // True if the message contains only mutable stats (packets, ping).
+ optional bool stats_only = 2 [default = false];
+ // Full user certificate chain of the user certificate in DER format.
+ repeated bytes certificates = 3;
+ // Packet statistics for packets received from the client.
+ optional Stats from_client = 4;
+ // Packet statistics for packets sent by the server.
+ optional Stats from_server = 5;
+ // Amount of UDP packets sent.
+ optional uint32 udp_packets = 6;
+ // Amount of TCP packets sent.
+ optional uint32 tcp_packets = 7;
+ // UDP ping average.
+ optional float udp_ping_avg = 8;
+ // UDP ping variance.
+ optional float udp_ping_var = 9;
+ // TCP ping average.
+ optional float tcp_ping_avg = 10;
+ // TCP ping variance.
+ optional float tcp_ping_var = 11;
+ // Client version.
+ optional Version version = 12;
+ // A list of CELT bitstream version constants supported by the client of this
+ // user.
+ repeated int32 celt_versions = 13;
+ // Client IP address.
+ optional bytes address = 14;
+ // Bandwidth used by this client.
+ optional uint32 bandwidth = 15;
+ // Connection duration.
+ optional uint32 onlinesecs = 16;
+ // Duration since last activity.
+ optional uint32 idlesecs = 17;
+ // True if the user has a strong certificate.
+ optional bool strong_certificate = 18 [default = false];
+ optional bool opus = 19 [default = false];
+// Used by the client to request binary data from the server. By default large
+// comments or textures are not sent within standard messages but instead the
+// hash is. If the client does not recognize the hash it may request the
+// resource when it needs it. The client does so by sending a RequestBlob
+// message with the correct fields filled with the user sessions or channel_ids
+// it wants to receive. The server replies to this by sending a new
+// UserState/ChannelState message with the resources filled even if they would
+// normally be transmitted as hashes.
+message RequestBlob {
+ // sessions of the requested UserState textures.
+ repeated uint32 session_texture = 1;
+ // sessions of the requested UserState comments.
+ repeated uint32 session_comment = 2;
+ // channel_ids of the requested ChannelState descriptions.
+ repeated uint32 channel_description = 3;
+// Sent by the server when it informs the clients on server configuration
+// details.
+message ServerConfig {
+ // The maximum bandwidth the clients should use.
+ optional uint32 max_bandwidth = 1;
+ // Server welcome text.
+ optional string welcome_text = 2;
+ // True if the server allows HTML.
+ optional bool allow_html = 3;
+ // Maximum text message length.
+ optional uint32 message_length = 4;
+ // Maximum image message length.
+ optional uint32 image_message_length = 5;
+ // The maximum number of users allowed on the server.
+ optional uint32 max_users = 6;
+// Sent by the server to inform the clients of suggested client configuration
+// specified by the server administrator.
+message SuggestConfig {
+ // Suggested client version.
+ optional uint32 version = 1;
+ // True if the administrator suggests positional audio to be used on this
+ // server.
+ optional bool positional = 2;
+ // True if the administrator suggests push to talk to be used on this server.
+ optional bool push_to_talk = 3;