@@ -158,6 +158,9 @@ static void xdrawglyphfontspecs(const XftGlyphFontSpec *, Glyph, int, int, int);
static void xdrawglyph(Glyph, int, int);
static void xclear(int, int, int, int);
static int xgeommasktogravity(int);
+static void ximopen(Display *);
+static void ximinstantiate(Display *, XPointer, XPointer);
+static void ximdestroy(XIM, XPointer, XPointer);
static void xinit(int, int);
static void cresize(int, int);
static void xresize(int, int);
@@ -242,8 +245,9 @@ typedef struct {
} Fontcache;
/* Fontcache is an array now. A new font will be appended to the array. */
-static Fontcache frc[16];
+static Fontcache *frc = NULL;
static int frclen = 0;
+static int frccap = 0;
static char *usedfont = NULL;
static double usedfontsize = 0;
static double defaultfontsize = 0;
@@ -691,6 +695,8 @@ cresize(int width, int height)
col = (win.w - 2 * borderpx) / win.cw;
row = (win.h - 2 * borderpx) / win.ch;
+ col = MAX(1, col);
+ row = MAX(1, row);
tresize(col, row);
xresize(col, row);
@@ -700,8 +706,8 @@ cresize(int width, int height)
xresize(int col, int row)
- win.tw = MAX(1, col * win.cw);
- win.th = MAX(1, row * win.ch);
+ win.tw = col * win.cw;
+ win.th = row * win.ch;
XFreePixmap(xw.dpy, xw.buf);
xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dpy, xw.win, win.w, win.h,
@@ -750,12 +756,12 @@ xloadcols(void)
static int loaded;
Color *cp;
- dc.collen = MAX(LEN(colorname), 256);
- dc.col = xmalloc(dc.collen * sizeof(Color));
if (loaded) {
for (cp = dc.col; cp < &dc.col[dc.collen]; ++cp)
XftColorFree(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, cp);
+ } else {
+ dc.collen = MAX(LEN(colorname), 256);
+ dc.col = xmalloc(dc.collen * sizeof(Color));
for (i = 0; i < dc.collen; i++)
@@ -783,7 +789,6 @@ xsetcolorname(int x, const char *name)
if (!BETWEEN(x, 0, dc.collen))
return 1;
if (!xloadcolor(x, name, &ncolor))
return 1;
@@ -825,15 +830,17 @@ xhints(void)
sizeh = XAllocSizeHints();
- sizeh->flags = PSize | PResizeInc | PBaseSize;
+ sizeh->flags = PSize | PResizeInc | PBaseSize | PMinSize;
sizeh->height = win.h;
sizeh->width = win.w;
sizeh->height_inc = win.ch;
sizeh->width_inc = win.cw;
sizeh->base_height = 2 * borderpx;
sizeh->base_width = 2 * borderpx;
+ sizeh->min_height = win.ch + 2 * borderpx;
+ sizeh->min_width = win.cw + 2 * borderpx;
if (xw.isfixed) {
- sizeh->flags |= PMaxSize | PMinSize;
+ sizeh->flags |= PMaxSize;
sizeh->min_width = sizeh->max_width = win.w;
sizeh->min_height = sizeh->max_height = win.h;
@@ -1029,6 +1036,43 @@ xunloadfonts(void)
+ximopen(Display *dpy)
+ XIMCallback destroy = { .client_data = NULL, .callback = ximdestroy };
+ if ((xw.xim = XOpenIM(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) {
+ XSetLocaleModifiers("@im=local");
+ if ((xw.xim = XOpenIM(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) {
+ XSetLocaleModifiers("@im=");
+ if ((xw.xim = XOpenIM(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL)
+ die("XOpenIM failed. Could not open input device.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (XSetIMValues(xw.xim, XNDestroyCallback, &destroy, NULL) != NULL)
+ die("XSetIMValues failed. Could not set input method value.\n");
+ xw.xic = XCreateIC(xw.xim, XNInputStyle, XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing,
+ XNClientWindow, xw.win, XNFocusWindow, xw.win, NULL);
+ if (xw.xic == NULL)
+ die("XCreateIC failed. Could not obtain input method.\n");
+ximinstantiate(Display *dpy, XPointer client, XPointer call)
+ ximopen(dpy);
+ XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ ximinstantiate, NULL);
+ximdestroy(XIM xim, XPointer client, XPointer call)
+ xw.xim = NULL;
+ XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ ximinstantiate, NULL);
xinit(int cols, int rows)
@@ -1101,7 +1145,7 @@ xinit(int cols, int rows)
xw.attrs.background_pixel = dc.col[defaultbg].pixel;
xw.attrs.border_pixel = dc.col[defaultbg].pixel;
xw.attrs.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
- xw.attrs.event_mask = FocusChangeMask | KeyPressMask
+ xw.attrs.event_mask = FocusChangeMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask
| ExposureMask | VisibilityChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask
| ButtonMotionMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask;
xw.attrs.colormap = xw.cmap;
@@ -1128,22 +1172,7 @@ xinit(int cols, int rows)
xw.draw = XftDrawCreate(xw.dpy, xw.buf, xw.vis, xw.cmap);
/* input methods */
- if ((xw.xim = XOpenIM(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) {
- XSetLocaleModifiers("@im=local");
- if ((xw.xim = XOpenIM(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) {
- XSetLocaleModifiers("@im=");
- if ((xw.xim = XOpenIM(xw.dpy,
- die("XOpenIM failed. Could not open input"
- " device.\n");
- }
- }
- }
- xw.xic = XCreateIC(xw.xim, XNInputStyle, XIMPreeditNothing
- | XIMStatusNothing, XNClientWindow, xw.win,
- XNFocusWindow, xw.win, NULL);
- if (xw.xic == NULL)
- die("XCreateIC failed. Could not obtain input method.\n");
+ ximopen(xw.dpy);
/* white cursor, black outline */
cursor = XCreateFontCursor(xw.dpy, mouseshape);
@@ -1285,13 +1314,10 @@ xmakeglyphfontspecs(XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, const Glyph *glyphs, int len, int x
fontpattern = FcFontSetMatch(0, fcsets, 1,
fcpattern, &fcres);
- /*
- * Overwrite or create the new cache entry.
- */
- if (frclen >= LEN(frc)) {
- frclen = LEN(frc) - 1;
- XftFontClose(xw.dpy, frc[frclen].font);
- frc[frclen].unicodep = 0;
+ /* Allocate memory for the new cache entry. */
+ if (frclen >= frccap) {
+ frccap += 16;
+ frc = xrealloc(frc, frccap * sizeof(Fontcache));
frc[frclen].font = XftFontOpenPattern(xw.dpy,
@@ -1621,6 +1647,16 @@ xfinishdraw(void)
defaultfg : defaultbg].pixel);
+xximspot(int x, int y)
+ XPoint spot = { borderpx + x * win.cw, borderpx + (y + 1) * win.ch };
+ XVaNestedList attr = XVaCreateNestedList(0, XNSpotLocation, &spot, NULL);
+ XSetICValues(xw.xic, XNPreeditAttributes, attr, NULL);
+ XFree(attr);
expose(XEvent *ev)
@@ -1798,7 +1834,6 @@ kpress(XEvent *ev)
ttywrite(buf, len, 1);
cmessage(XEvent *e)